5 Ways to Celebrate Your Accomplishments
What's the most recent goal you've accomplished?
So many people I know - especially women - don't actually celebrate their accomplishments! And I'm not talking about having a glass of wine when you close that big deal, or even buying new shoes on Amazon. I mean *really* celebrating a huge goal met with something life-changing.
Read below for 5 Ways to Celebrate Your Achievements!
1. Write it down!
I'm a big fan of keeping a journal, but even if you don't have a diary, take a few moments to write down your accomplishment and then reread what you've written. Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto the paper is powerful. Bonus points for sharing it on your social media!
2. Practice gratitude
It's so hard to take time for ourselves, much less to be thankful when we face so many challenges. But having a gratitude practice - whether it's spoken or written - can really help cement the goal smashing mindset and allow you to revel in the good feelings that come with crossing a goal off your list.
3. Pay it forward
Did someone help you along the way? Or perhaps there's someone in your life who could use some encouragement. Offer your time and expertise to someone who's working toward a similar goal - and enjoy the good vibes that come with helping the next person achieve their success.
4. Make an announcement
How can we celebrate our wins if no one knows about them? Whether you smashed your sales goal or are enjoying a fitness achievement, telling the world about it can bring good vibes and positive wishes your way. Plus it's just nice when people congratulate you!
5. Cross something off your bucket list.
Always wanted to go sky diving? Or how about traveling to a far off locale? The bucket list grows longer with each passing year - let this be the year that you reward yourself with something incredible! Another idea? Doing a fabulous boudoir session with yours truly 😉 Many women have told me after their session that they've crossed "boudoir session" off their bucket list.
La Photographie Suite is a place where you can share your wins and be celebrated for it!
All femmes and thems are welcome to join us.
Who knows? You might end up celebrating other people along with yourself, and that's a great feeling to have ☺️